The first objective of the MEDUSA Network
is the identification of native and naturalized plants of the Mediterranean
Region, currently being used in some way.
The classes of use include; food,
food additives, animal food, bee plants, food for useful invertebrates,
materials, fuels, social uses, vertebrate poisons, non-vertebrate
poisons, medicines, environmental uses, gene sources.
The information is being used to build
up an up-to-date on-line database covering the whole region. This
database is being developed with the participation of representatives
from almost all the Mediterranean countries, and includes a detailed
evaluation of the current utilisation of these plants together with
information concerning their conservation status, geography of use
and the chemistry of the compounds involved, supported with bibliographical
references, where available.
The countries currently involved in the
MEDUSA project are;
Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Egypt,
Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Malta, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy.
On this
map the countries which currently participate in MEDUSA are shown
in pink. The Mediterranean countries shown in grey are not members
at present.
From the information accumulating in the
database we are examining the sustainable potential for utilisation
of these plants, for example in agriculture as alternative minor